Architect Hui graduated from Tianjin University, China and worked for Nanjing institute of Architectural Design from 1989-1996. She obtained her Masters at the University of NSW . She joined Architects Becerra in 2007. Hui has experience in many types of project including government offices, Child Care Centres and multi unit residential.

Graduate Architect Victor graduated from Curtin University with a Bachelor of Applied Science (Architectural Science) in 2012, and completed a master of Architecture in the University of NSW in 2014. His role at Architects Becerra has been to prepare the required documentation for different stages of the building design process, including design feasibility, development approval and construction certificate.

Graduate Architect Kevin has graduated from Bachelors of Architectural Studies at UNSW in 2011 and has since completed his Master of Architecture degree at the University of Canberra in 2014. He has experience preparing documentation for a wide variety of projects such as multi unit residential, mixed use and churches.

Architectural Assistant Bien is currently studying Architectural Studies at the University of New South Wales. He has been involved in a variety of projects, ranging from single-storey residential to assisted living facilities, ultimately giving him the opportunity to develop his design skills, as well as invaluable professional experience in the industry.

Director Albert is a Director of Architects Becerra and a Member of the Australian Institute of Architects . He has over 20 years of experience as an architect. Albert has been in charge of many building and planning projects with particular expertise in educational, residential, commercial, hospitality and health facilities.

Director Poppy is a Director of Architects Becerra. She has been involved in the roles of project architect, designer, documentation architect, consultant liaising / coordination, liaising with the relevant authorities, on site supervision and administration on a variety of projects, ranging from residential developments to health projects.
Architects Becerra is an architectural practice that was established in 2007 by Albert and Poppy Becerra. Both Albert and Poppy are graduates of the Architecture Faculty, University of NSW and are joined by Hui Zhao a graduate of Architecture, Tianjin University who obtained her Masters at the University of NSW. Julian Mina and Pratishka Mahajan have also recently joined the practice both graduating out of the University of Newcastle.
Together they have extensive experience in all aspects of architectural, design, documentation and administration. They have worked on residential developments, education facilities including libraries, early learning centres and schools. The principals have also had experience in commercial developments, hospitality, industrial, health and aged care facilities.